
Overview Page

This report provides an Appointments Analysis Overview, offering insights into how appointments are handled across different units.

  • The table at the top displays key metrics for each unit, including the total number of cases, appointments, checked-in counts, cancellations, no-shows, and related percentages. It also shows average delay and timeliness, helping to assess appointment management efficiency.

  • The line chart at the bottom tracks the Appointment Count Over Time, allowing you to observe trends in appointment scheduling and attendance across the selected period.

  • Key metrics such as No-show Percentage, Cancelled Appointments Percentage, Appointment Count, and Case Count are highlighted on the right.

Filters can refine the data by date, service category, and channel.

This report is useful for understanding the effectiveness of appointment scheduling and attendance, identifying units with higher cancellation or no-show rates, and evaluating overall timeliness and delays in handling appointments.

Lead Time Page

This report provides an overview of Lead-time Analysis, focusing on the time between scheduling an appointment and the actual appointment date across different service categories and units.

  • The Service Type Breakdown table on the left shows each service category's appointment count and average lead time (in days). Expand a service category (by clicking on the Plus symbol) to see a breakdown of service types. This helps identify how far-in-advance appointments are scheduled for different service types.

  • The Unit Breakdown table on the right displays similar information but is categorized by unit, allowing you to compare lead times across different organizational branches or departments.

  • The line chart at the bottom tracks the Average Lead Time Over Time, showing how lead times have changed across the selected period.

  • Key metrics such as Average Lead Time and Appointment Count are highlighted on the right.

Filters can refine the data by date, service category, and channel.

This report is useful for understanding how efficiently appointments are being scheduled and whether there are significant delays between booking and the actual appointment, which can impact customer satisfaction and resource planning.

Organization Timeliness Page

This report provides an Organization Timeliness (Delays) Analysis, focusing on the average delays experienced in appointments across different service categories and units.

  • The Service Type Breakdown table on the left shows the number of appointments and the average delay (in minutes) for each service category. This helps identify how often appointments are delayed beyond their scheduled start time for different types of services.

  • The Unit Breakdown table on the right displays similar information but is categorized by unit, allowing you to compare delays across different branches or departments.

  • The line chart at the bottom tracks the Average Delay Over Time, showing how delay times have changed across the selected period. Tip: Use the chart's drill-down and drill-up buttons to change the summary level to years, months, or days.

  • Key metrics such as the overall Average Delay and Appointment Count are highlighted on the right.

Filters can refine the data by date, service category, and channel.

This report is useful for identifying where delays are occurring. Addressing areas with significant delays can help improve timeliness and efficiency in service delivery.

Customer Timeliness Page

This report provides an overview of Customer Timeliness (Tardiness/Earliness) Analysis, focusing on how early or late customers are for their appointments across different service categories and units.

  • The Service Type Breakdown table on the left shows the number of appointments and the average timeliness (in minutes) for each service category. A negative value indicates that customers arrive early on average, while a positive value indicates tardiness.

  • The Unit Breakdown table on the right provides similar information but is categorized by unit, allowing you to compare timeliness across different branches or departments.

  • The Distribution of Appointment Timeliness chart at the bottom left visualizes how timeliness is spread across various intervals, showing the frequency of early or late arrivals.

  • The line chart at the bottom right tracks the Average Timeliness Over Time, showing how the average earliness or tardiness has changed over the selected period. Tip: Use the chart's drill-down and drill-up buttons to change the summary level to years, months, or days.

  • Key metrics such as the overall Average Timeliness and Appointment Count are highlighted on the right.

Filters can refine the data by date, service category, and channel. Outliers can be excluded by setting limits on timeliness values.

This report is useful for understanding customer behavior related to appointment punctuality and can help plan and adjust scheduling practices to better match customer arrival patterns.

No-shows Page

This report provides an overview of No-show Analysis, focusing on the percentage of appointments where customers did not show up across different service categories and units.

  • The Service Type Breakdown table on the left displays the number of appointments, no-show counts, and the no-show percentage for each service category. This helps identify which service types have higher rates of missed appointments.

  • The Unit Breakdown table on the right presents similar data but categorized by unit, allowing for comparison of no-show rates across different branches or departments.

  • The line chart at the bottom tracks the No-show Percentage Over Time, showing how the no-show rate has fluctuated during the selected period. Tip: Use the chart's drill-down and drill-up buttons to change the summary level to years, months, or days.

  • Key metrics such as the overall No-show Percentage and Appointment Count are highlighted on the right.

Filters can refine the data by date, service category, and channel.

This report is useful for understanding trends in customer attendance, identifying areas with high no-show rates, and developing strategies to reduce missed appointments and improve overall service efficiency.

Last updated