Key Performance Measures

Measures are dynamic calculations used to analyze data in real time. These are custom formulas created to perform various calculations on your data, such as summing values, finding averages, calculating percentages, or comparing results over time.

Measures are particularly powerful because they automatically adjust based on the filters and slicers applied in your report, providing you with up-to-date insights as you explore your data.

This document lists the measures used in Cubu reports and explains how each is calculated.

Case Analysis Measures


Appointment Count

The number of appointment case records, excluding canceled appointments.

Avg. Daily Case Count

The average Case Count on each day.

Avg. Delay (min.)

The average delay between the appointment time and the first response time in minutes. If the delay is negative or if there is no check-in date, the appointment is not included in the average.

Avg. FRT (min.)

The average FRT (first response time) in minutes. First Response is the first time a case entered the Active state - meaning the customer was called for service.

Avg. Lead Time (days)

Lead Time is the difference between the Appointment Date and the Booking Date.

Understanding lead times helps organizations manage their schedules and resources effectively. Average Lead Time is calculated to understand typical waiting periods for appointments.

Avg. Satisfaction Score

The average customer satisfaction score ranges from 0 to 1, representing the overall satisfaction level as a percentage. A score of 1 indicates complete satisfaction, while 0 indicates no satisfaction.

Avg. Satisfaction Stars

The average customer satisfaction score is expressed as a star rating on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction.

Avg. Timeliness (min.)

"Timeliness" gives you a numerical value that indicates how on-time or late a check-in was relative to the scheduled appointment time. This metric can be useful for analyzing punctuality and improving scheduling processes. Avg. Timeliness (min.) provides a summary measure of how close appointments are to the scheduled time, offering insights into scheduling accuracy and overall punctuality.

Cancelled Appts. %

The percentage of scheduled appointments that were canceled, calculated by dividing canceled appointments by total scheduled appointments and multiplying by 100

Cancelled Appts. Count

The number of canceled appointments.

Case Count

The number of case records included in the report. This measure counts all records, excluding canceled cases and appointments. It includes both appointments and walk-ins.

Checked-in Count

The number of appointments that have been checked in.

This measure is useful for determining how many appointments have successfully been checked in, excluding those that might be canceled or have a specific status.

No-show Count

An appointment is considered a no-show if it has not checked in by the end of the service's defined check-in window. The number of cases where an appointment was marked as a "no-show. This measure is useful for tracking how often appointments are missed without notice, which can help analyze and reduce no-show rates in scheduling systems.

No-show %

The percentage of appointments is marked as no-shows out of the total scheduled appointments (excluding canceled ones).


The total number of cases includes a recorded customer satisfaction score. This metric helps track the number of customers who provide feedback through a satisfaction rating.

Agent Attendance Measures


Avg. Daily Online Hours

Calculates the average time agents are clocked in daily by dividing total online hours by the number of workdays.

Avg. Workdays by User

The average number of workdays per user within a specific reporting period.

Online Hours

The number of hours agents spent online.


The number of days within the reporting period during which agents clocked in, regardless of their availability for work.

Agent Performance Measures


Active Hours

The total time agents spent in an Active state. This metric quantifies the total duration during which users were actively processing cases.

Availability Hours

The total time agents were clocked in (online) and ready to assist customers, excluding breaks, off-duty times, or any periods where they were unavailable to take calls or respond to queries.

Avg. Daily Active Hours

This metric calculates agents' average daily hours in the Active state by dividing the total Active Hours by the number of Workdays, assessing agent engagement per workday.

Avg. Daily Availability Hours

This metric calculates the average daily hours agents were available but not actively engaged by dividing the total Availability Hours by the number of Workdays.

Avg. Daily Unavailability Hours

This metric calculates the average daily hours agents were available but not actively engaged by dividing the total Availability Hours by the number of Workdays.

Avg. In-unit Hours

This metric calculates the average daily hours agents were unavailable (for any reason) by dividing the total Unavailability Hours by the number of Workdays.

In-unit Hours

The total time agents spent in the unit, including: Availability, Unavailability, and Active hours.

Unavailability Hours

The total time agents were unavailable for any reason.

Wait Time Analysis

The measures in this group are calculated by analyzing the accumulated waiting time per Phase.

A Phase represents a segment of the case's journey where specific activities and states occur within a particular inbox. The phase waiting time is the total duration of all waiting states within that phase.

Waiting time can be sliced by unit and inbox.


Avg. WT (min.)

The average waiting time. It is calculated by adding the waiting time and dividing it by the number of phases.

Wait Count

The number of phases within a case lifecycle that includes at least one waiting state.

Wait State Count

The number of case states included on the report.

Waited Cases

The number of individual cases included in the report.

Service Time Analysis

The measures in this group are calculated by analyzing the accumulated service time per Phase.

A case service state is referred to as Interaction. All the interactions within a single phase are referred to as a Service Activity. A service activity may involve interactions handled by multiple agents.

Service time can be analyzed by unit, inbox, service type, and user.


Avg. ST(min.)

The average service time is calculated by adding the durations of the service activities and dividing it by the number of service activities.

Cases Served

The number of individual cases included in the report.


The number of interactions included in the report.

Each interaction represents an instance where an agent engages with the case through a service-related activity. This measure quantifies the frequency of agent engagement with the case as it progresses through the workflow.

Service Activities

The number of service activities included in the report.

Last updated