Case Analysis

The Case Analysis report provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the volume of case records created within the organization over time. It breaks down this information from various angles and perspectives, helping you better understand trends and patterns in case volume and creation.

"Case Count" in this report includes all case records (including canceled appointments).

Tip: Explore the data by clicking on different visuals to cross-highlight other visuals on the page.

This report includes cases with the following statuses: Waiting, Pending, Active, Resolved, and Closed.

It excludes cases in the Planned status (such as scheduled appointments or no-shows) as well as Canceled appointments.


  • Date: Choose the specific date range you want the report to cover.

  • Unit: Narrow down the report data to focus on one or more specific organizational units.

  • Service Category: Filter the report to display only the cases in the selected service categories.

Overview Tab

Case Count Over Time Chart

This chart depicts the number of cases over time. Use the drill-down/drill-up and expand buttons to show daily data.

Case Count by Service Category Chart

This doughnut chart displays how cases are distributed across various service categories. This visual helps you quickly see which service categories are most or least common.

Case Count by Channel Chart

This bar chart displays how cases are distributed across different channels (face-to-face, video calls, or phone calls). This visual helps you quickly see which channels are most or least used for case submissions.

Case Count by Entry Mode Chart

This bar chart displays how cases are distributed between entry modes, either walk-in or appointment. This visual helps you quickly see which entry mode is more commonly used for case creation.

The "Overview, Date" tab provides information similar to the Overview tab, but with the added option to select a specific date range instead of a relative date range.

By Unit Tab

Units Breakdown

The table provides a hierarchical view of organizational units. It shows the case and appointment count for each unit.

Note: Appointment Count does not include canceled appointments.

Case Count by Hour and Unit Chart

This bar chart shows the number of cases recorded at different day hours, separated by specific units.

The x-axis represents the time of day, while the y-axis shows the number of cases. Each color or shade in the bars represents a different unit, helping you see how case distribution varies across different times and units.

This chart type is useful for identifying peak hours and understanding when certain units are busiest.

Case Count Over Time Chart

This bar chart shows the total number of cases recorded in the report's date range, with the data broken down by different organizational units.

The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis displays the number of cases. You can use the drill-down/drill-up feature to explore data at a more detailed level, such as viewing daily case counts.

Each color or section of the bar corresponds to a different unit, allowing you to see how case counts are distributed across various units within that period.

This type of chart is useful for understanding overall activity levels and comparing the contributions of different units over time.

By Entry Mode Tab

This tab offers data similar to the "By Unit" tab but organizes the information by entry mode, distinguishing between walk-ins and appointments.

By Channel Tab

This tab provides data similar to the "By Unit" tab but organizes the information by the communication channel used between the customer and agent, distinguishing between face-to-face meetings, video calls, and phone calls.

By Category Tab

This tab provides data similar to the "By Unit" tab but organizes the information by service category.

By Tags Tab

Unit Breakdown Matrix

This matrix provides a breakdown of data by organizational unit and shows the number of cases recorded by tag name in each unit.

Note: If a case is tagged with multiple tags, it will be counted multiple times.

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