⚒️Configuring SSO with Auth0
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Create a new Auth0 tenant for your organization.
This application will represent the Cubu web application to Auth0 and your users. It manages the login experience and is the gateway to obtain the access tokens to the cubu API.
Go to Applications > Applications in the auth0 portal and click the Create Application button.
In the Create application dialog, select the Single Page Web Applications application type and give the application an easy-to-recognize name. This guide will use cubu-client as the name in future references.
In the Settings tab of the newly created app, write down the Domain and Client ID values. These will be used later to configure the SSO settings for your organization inside of Cubu.
Scroll down to the Application URIs section and fill in the following values:
Application Login URI: https://YOUR_ORG_SUBDOMAIN.app.cubu.com
Allowed Callback URLs: https://YOUR_ORG_SUBDOMAIN.app.cubu.com
Allowed Logout URLs: https://YOUR_ORG_SUBDOMAIN.app.cubu.com/logout
Allowed Web Origins: https://YOUR_ORG_SUBDOMAIN.app.cubu.com
Allowed Origins: https://YOUR_ORG_SUBDOMAIN.app.cubu.com
Scroll down to the page's end and open the Advanced Settings section.
Using the "Grant Types" tab, ensure the Authorization Code is checked and everything else unchecked.
Don’t forget to save your changes.
Switch to the Connections tab and ensure only the connections you intend to use to log into Cubu are selected. Social connections are discouraged.
This API will be a stand-in for the Cubu API, for which tokens are issued.
Write down the API’s Identifier, which will be used later when configuring SSO in your Cubu organization.
The default settings for the API are fine and can be kept as is.
Cubu relies on having the user’s email claim in the access token for user creation. It also (optionally) uses the user’s name claim to initialize the user’s initial display name in the app. To ensure the access token contains the relevant information, a custom Action needs to be added to your authorization server.
Give the action a name. Something meaningful like "Add claims to token".
Go to Actions > Flows and click Login.
Click the Enable SSO button and enter your auth provider’s information in the Enable SSO dialog in the following way:
Identity service provider (ISP): Auth0
Authority: The cubu-client application’s domain, preceded by https://
Audience: The cubu-api API’s identifier (e.g.,: https://api.cubu.com
Client ID: The cubu-client application’s client ID.
After clicking Enable SSO in the dialog, the page should refresh, prompting you to log in.
Go to Applications > APIs in the auth0 portal and click the Create API button.
In the Create API dialog, give the API an easy-to-recognize name and an identifier that will be used when access tokens are issued.
We recommend https://api.cubu.com
as an identifier. This guide will use cubu-api as the name in future references.
The Signing Algorithm should be kept at RS256.
Go to Actions > Library and click on the Build Custom button.
Select the “Login / Post Login” trigger. Keep the recommended runtime (Node 18 at the moment of authoring this paper)
Add code to set the email
and name
claims on the accessToken from an authenticated user, and click Deploy.
Select the Custom
tab on the right panel, and drag your “Add claims to token” action in between "Start" and "Complete" on the graph:
Log in to your organization in cubu with the user that created the organization in cubu (organization owner) and navigate to the SSO page of the Settings tool in the Admin tools tool-belt
Organization owner email: The email of the organization user in your auth0 tenant that will be associated with the current application owner user’s cubu account.