🪝Webhook: Query
This webhook is called when searching for a data record in a data table.
Request Body
dataTableSlug: the data table’s slug.
pageSize: the number of matching records to return.
continuationToken: A token to use when requesting the next results page.
searchCriteria: an array of field filters
slug: the field’s slug
searchPhrase: the value to search
partialMatch: (boolean) indicates whether to return records with a partial match for this field
Response Body
pageSize: The maximum Number of records per page.
continuationToken: This parameter contains a value if the query has more results. If the webhook is called again with this value, the next record page is returned.
dataRecords: an array of DataRecord objects:
remoteRecordId: the record ID in the legacy system
displayName: the record’s display name
fields: an array of fields
slug: the field’s slug
data: the field’s data object (see ).
Last updated