List Active Cases

Lists the user's active cases (cases being served by the user) in the user's current unit.

This endpoint requires the Agent Impersonator role.


GET: https://[base-url]/{applicationId}/agents/{userId}/activeCases


Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>

Request Body



Success -> 200

Returns an array of Case objects.

Note that this API does not return the case's fields and tags. The fieldsand tags properties are always null.

Sample response:

        "caseId": "10a36a3c-ffd8-42db-9eb0-...",
        "ticket": {
            "prefix": "A",
            "suffix": null,
            "number": 119
        "serviceCategoryId": "72406b29-b8c7-4358-8ac1-...",
        "serviceCategoryName": "Inquiry",
        "serviceTypeId": "0a526645-8401-4df6-a060-...",
        "serviceTypeName": "Special Inquiry",
        "status": "Active",
        "statusDate": "2024-04-11T11:13:38.008222Z",
        "referenceDate": "2024-02-29T14:20:27.330563Z",
        "dateOpened": "2024-02-29T14:20:27.330563Z",
        "dateClosed": null,
        "assignedTo": null,
        "lockedBy": {
            "userId": "accef80a-0491-4865-8f1b-...",
            "displayName": "John Doe",
            "initials": "JD",
            "picture": "https://.../public/profiles/f1af71e8-3ba4-4034-b4f2-..."
        "channel": "FaceToFace",
        "rank": 3.7090777E+37,
        "unitId": "37da50e0-ba32-4718-bf3f-261f7e1c6a02",
        "unitName": "Jerusalem",
        "inboxId": "d4afcd15-3b94-4b86-82f8-e2525cc0ac06",
        "inboxName": "Reception",
        "inboxColorCode": "#03a9f4",
        "caseTimestamp": "2024-04-11T11:13:53.404068Z",
        "workstationId": null,
        "workstationName": null,
        "customer": {
            "dataTableId": "8ab4307c-5f1c-4537-b0d5-...",
            "recordId": "51c0d69d-9d23-46af-9bc0-...",
            "displayName": "Bruce Springsteen"
        "onlineMeeting": null,
        "printedTicket": true,
        "contactPhoneNumber": "+12221234567",
        "contactEmail": null,
        "entryMode": "WalkIn",
        "fields": null,
        "tags": null

No current unit was selected for the user -> 403 (Forbidden)

No current workspaces -> 409, errorCode: 1011

Last updated