Start Processing the Next Case

Start processing the next case in the current user's workspace or selected inbox.

This endpoint requires the Agent Impersonator role.


POST: https://[base-url]/{applicationId}/agents/{userId}/actions/startNext 


Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>

Request Body

  • workstationId (optional): Indicates the workstation to call the customer.

  • inboxId (optional): Call the next case from a specific inbox when specified. When null, call the next case from the current workspace. The inbox must be in the current workspace.

  • applyWorkspaceBehavior (boolean): Set to True to automatically resolve active cases processed by the agent when the workspace Auto Next behavior is set to "Close Active Tabs" or "Auto".

  • silent (boolean): Set this parameter to True to prevent visual and voice announcements from being generated on digital signs.


Success -> 200

If a case is found, the API returns the case ID, status, and status date.

Sample response:

    "caseId": "d01c6c26-a200-44e6-acbf-2d301b1fd7ea",
    "status": "Active",
    "statusDate": "2024-05-16T09:46:08.801352Z",
    "queueTimestamp": "2024-05-16T09:46:08.801352Z",
    "ticket": {
        "prefix": "A",
        "suffix": null,
        "number": "104"
    "onlineMeeting": {
        "provider": "Teams", // Teams/Zoom/GoogleMeet
        "meetingId": "xyz...",
        "hostUrl": "...", // The URL used by the agent to join the meeting
        "participantsUrl": "...", // The URL used by the customer to join the meeting
        "dateCreated": "yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss.fffZ",
        "error":"..." // optional

No available case -> 204 (No Content)

An empty response is returned if no waiting case is available in the current workspace (or inbox).

Last updated