Aug. 2023 Release

Released Aug 6, 2023

What's New


Automation Triggers

Inbox Automations are now defined for specific events, which gives the automation author better control over when the automation should be evaluated.

Some examples of triggers are Appointment booked, Appointment Cancelled, Resolved, Moved, etc.

Action: Return to Queue

This new action allows you to return a resolved case record to the queue.

The action is used in conjunction with the Resolved trigger.

Condition: Satisfaction Score is …

This condition allows you to test the satisfaction score submitted by a user and perform an action if the score is lower or higher than a specified value.

Agent Console

Force Unlock and Grab a Case

Power agents can now break the lock placed on a case by another user when the case is active.

Resolve a Pending or Waiting Case

Agents can now resolve a Waiting or Pending case from the inbox queue without going through the Active state.

Agents can now create a ticket printout for a case (similar to the Kiosk’s ticket).

The ticket design is controlled by the printed ticket template assigned to the case's service category.

Server to Server (S2S) API

Activity Log

The activity log lists requests made to the API in the context of a registered application.

Event Log

The organization event log shows errors and warnings generated by background processes.

For example:

  • Errors while creating an online meeting using Zoom or Teams.

  • Errors while running automations.

  • Errors while opening calendars.

  • Errors while processing uploaded media files.

Digital Signage

New Speech Voices for Public Announcements

  • Ukrainian (Ukraine), Polina

  • Ukrainian (Ukraine), Ostap

  • Croatian (Croatia), Gabrijela

  • Croatian (Croatia), Srecko

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