📄Dynamic Text Parameters (Public Apps)
Dynamic text parameters included in public app profiles are rendered in the context of an application page. If you use a parameter unavailable on the current page, an empty string ("") will be rendered.
Parameters representing organization resources, such as the organization, units, services, service categories, etc., use the translated text for the current language.
Organization Name:
Organization Description:
Organization Information:
Organization Tagline:
Unit Name:
Unit Description:
Unit Tagline:
Unit Information:
Service Name:
Service Description:
Service Category
Service Category Name:
Service Category Description:
Service Type
Service Type Name:
Service Type Description:
Phone Number
Masked Phone Number (showing 4 digits):
Masked Email (showing 4 letters):
Field data is available on pages showing individual fields (e.g., the Input Fields page).
Field Name:
Field Description:
Field Question:
Field Validation Text:
Case details are available after a case is created or an appointment is checked-in.
Case Id:
Ticket full number (including prefix and suffix):
Ticket prefix:
Ticket suffix:
Ticket number:
Ticket URL:
Position in queue:
Field value:
For example:{{case.fields.case-subject}}
Online Meeting URL:
Customer name:
Appointment local date:
Appointment local time:
Appointment duration in minutes:
Appointment agent:
Case date (the date the case was created):
Case time (the time the case was created):
Last updated