Widgets Reference
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Monitors real-time service time for cases being processed.
Avg. ST: The average waiting time for cases currently waiting in the queue.
Max. ST (chart): The longest waiting time for cases currently waiting in the queue.
Cases in service time warning/critical range: The number of cases in the service time warning or critical ranges. These metrics appear when the number of cases in the range exceeds zero. The warning and critical service time thresholds are configured for each service type.
Monitors real-time waiting time for cases in the queue.
Avg. ST: The average service time for cases currently being served by agents.
Max ST (chart): The longest service time for cases currently being served by agents.
Waiting cases count: The number of cases currently waiting in the queue.
Cases in waiting time warning/critical range: The number of cases in the waiting time warning or critical ranges. These metrics appear when the number of cases in the range exceeds zero. The warning and critical waiting time thresholds are configured for the organization using the Service tool.
Monitors the number of cases closed today.
Closed cases count (chart): The number of cases closed today.
Monitors real-time appointment data.
Booked: The total number of appointments booked for today (excluding canceled).
Completed (chart): The number of Resolved or Closed appointments.
In queue (pending or waiting): The number of appointments currently waiting in queue (pending or waiting).
No-shows: The number of appointments that missed their check-in window.
Cancelled: The number of appointments booked for today that were canceled.
Monitors real-time delays for checked-in appointments that have not started on time.
Avg. delay: The average time currently delayed appointments is behind their scheduled start.
Max. Delay (chart): The longest time a currently delayed appointment is behind its scheduled start.
Delayed appointments: The number of checked-in appointments that are behind schedule.
In queue (pending or waiting): The number of appointments currently waiting in queue (pending or waiting).