📚Built-in Roles
A list of Cubu's built-in roles.
Agents and Case Handlers
Agent role
The Agent role allows members to perform actions in designated units, inboxes, and services. See: Access Control for details.
Members of the Agent role have the following permissions:
View cases in explicitly designated inboxes and units.
Process cases in explicitly designated inboxes in their current unit (see case actions below).
Manage data records in designated tables.
Manage appointments in their allocated calendars.
View real-time stats in their current unit.
Self-assign/self-unassign a case.
Occupy/vacate a workstation.
Use these tools:
Agent Console
Data Manager
Case Browser
Real-time Monitor
Power Agent role
The Power Agent role allows members to perform case-related actions in designated units, inboxes, and services. See: Access Control for details.
Members of the Power Agent role have the following permissions:
View cases in inboxes and units based on group memberships.
Process cases in designated inboxes within their unit (see case actions below).
Manage data records in tables they can access via group memberships.
Manage appointments in calendars for services they can access through group memberships.
Agent Console Actions
Manage workspaces in their current unit.
Add or remove inbox columns.
Use these tools:
Agent Console
Data Manager
Case Browser
Real-time Monitor
Case Manager role
The Case Manager role allows members to perform case-related action in any unit or inbox.
Case Actions
The table below outlines the actions related to cases that are available for each role.
Book an appointment
Cancel appointments
Change case position in queue
Check-in appointment
Unlock active case locked by another users (“force unlock”)
Update channel and language
Update contact information
Update fields and tags
Update linked customer
Start service
Self-assign a case
Assign a case to another user
Move case to another inbox
Print case ticket
Update pending to waiting and vice versa
Read/write case notes
Return active case to the queue
Resolve an active case
Resolve a waiting case
Operation Roles
Service Operator
Manage calendars, working hours, and staffing.
Access to the Services and Working hours tools.
Unit Manager
The Agent role allows members to perform actions in designated units. To designate a unit, add the user as a member of that unit. See Unit Access Permissions.
View the real-time agent status (via the Agents Status dashboard widget)
View real-time data of any units based on group membership.
Use these tools:
Real-time Monitor
Admin Roles
Account Admin role
Manage subscriptions, licenses, billing, and payments.
Access the Billing Admin tool.
Data Analyst:
View reports and explore data.
Access the Report Management tool.
Directory Admin
Manage the organization tree, including units, inboxes, workstations, portals, kiosks, and digital signs.
Access the Directory tool.
Engagement Admin
Edit public texts; manage media files; edit portals, kiosks, and virtual ticket profiles; edit SMS and Email messages; manage digital sign layouts.
Access the Media library, Messaging, Playlist manager, Printed tickets, Public apps, Public texts, Signage manager, Signage designer, and Visual tools.
Organization Admin
Manage the organization configuration, security groups, interfaces, integrations, etc.
Access the Organization-Settings tool.
Service Admin
Manage service categories, data tables, field types, tags, routes, and automations.
Access the Data Tables, Metadata, and Service tools.
Users Admin
Invite users, manage group and unit memberships, and user licensing.
Access the Users tool.
Last updated