Metrics Reference
The following metrics can be added as columns to the unit breakdown table.
Service Level Metrics
Pending: The number of cases currently pending in the queue.
Avg. PT: The average time in pending status for cases currently pending in the queue.
Max. PT: The longest pending time for cases currently pending in the queue.
Waiting: The number of cases currently waiting in the queue.
Avg. WT: The average waiting time for cases currently waiting in the queue.
Max WT: The longest waiting time for cases currently waiting in the queue.
In-service: The number of cases currently being served by agents.
Avg. ST: The average service time for cases currently being served by agents.
Max ST: The longest service time for cases currently being served by agents.
Closed: The number of cases closed today.
Warning ST: The number of cases in the service time warning range.
Critical ST: The number of cases in the service time critical range.
Warning WT: The number of cases in the waiting time warning range.
Critical WT: The number of cases in the waiting time critical range.
Appointments Metrics
Apts. Booked: The total number of appointments booked for today (excluding canceled).
Apts. Planned: The number of planned appointments not yet checked in.
Apts. Canceled: The number of appointments booked for today that were canceled.
Apts. In queue: The number of appointments currently waiting in queue (pending or waiting).
No-shows: The number of appointments that missed their check-in window.
Completed Apts.: The number of Resolved or Closed appointments.
Delayed Apts.: The number of appointments that are behind schedule.
Max. Delay: The longest time a currently delayed appointment is behind its scheduled start.
Avg. Delay: The average time currently delayed appointments is behind their scheduled start.
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